Tribute to Dr. Nigel Hewett by Andrew Hayward, Director of the UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care and Co-Director of the UCL Collaborative Centre for Inclusion Health and colleagues at CCIH
Nigel Hewett has been a pioneer in the field of Inclusion Health and I have had the pleasure of working with him over many years on a wide range of research projects that evidence the need for better health services for people experiencing homelessness and evaluating innovative models of care.
Whether it be randomized controlled trials, analyses of electronic health records, realist evaluations of services, qualitative research, economic analyses or systematic literature reviews, Nigel has shown an immense capability to work with other researchers from multiple disciplines to produce highly impactful research. He brings an immense knowledge of the subject area, deep respect and compassion for those experiencing homelessness and practical knowledge of the challenges of working with often inflexible systems to this work. His body of research has been immensely important in generating the knowledge needed to move forward. Nigel has dedicated much of his career to this work and we will miss his insight, humour, and warmth. He can retire sure in the knowledge that he has made an enormous positive difference to many people’s lives. All of us at the UCL Collaborative Centre for Inclusion Health wish Nigel the very best for his retirement.